After 13 long hours on the plane with various of screaming,
and eating and spitting out food from Noelle,
we finally arrived in Tao-yuan International Airport!
We've been eating a lot of good food and been to a few places (with food..) as well.
Noelle is trying to adjust her time to Taiwan time,
yet she's been waking up in the middle of the nights
and pretty much tired and grumpy rest of the day~~
I'll have to upload the photos and go into more details later on as this computer is a bit slow in Taiwan,
and I don't know how to type in Chinese here haha.
Rest assure that I'll gain lots of pounds coming back,
and we're going to the Hyatt Buffett tonight!!
Over and out, for now!
- Dec 31 Sun 2006 09:17
Arrived in Taiwan