We finally got a tree Saturday.

I personally think it's kind of late already.
But hubby thinks it can still wait.
So we're a (not)happy medium.

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Noelle's daddy bought Noelle a Christmas book.
It counts down the days of Christmas with fun little mice in them.

Actually, the books are a choking hazard to her.
They are really tiny with a little string attached to it.

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  • Dec 08 Thu 2005 23:39
  • Sears

Bo's mother reminded me.

We took really silly Christmas photos too.
It cost us $25 to buy a sheet of "touched up" ones.

joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Noelle's first game to watch the Kings!

Yeah we're Kings fans. (I know they suck now...I know...)

In the arena.

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Every Sunday we go to church.
Every Sunday we dress up.
Every Sunday Noelle shows off her pretty clothes.

She enjoys herself.

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So I fought and fought with hubby to move Noelle's crib forever.

She stayed in our room for the first year and two weeks and most of the time slept with us in the big bed.

I've HAD IT!!!

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Last night was my company's Christmas party.

Yes I wore something really "traditional".

So I had to leave Noelle with my sister so that I can party like when I was still, free.

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  • Dec 02 Fri 2005 08:47
  • Slide

We have a slide being passed down by my cousin.

While I always feel that slide is for bigger kids, my husband has another idea.

He's been putting Noelle on it since she was first able to sit up.

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Christmas has always been very special to me.
My sister and I would get really excited and always get a tree and make the day special.
After all, it is Jesus' birthday.

Last year, it was a disaster.

joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Ok so 小小 has turned one already and yes I'm super late and lazy for not starting anything earlier.
I can say I'm busy or tire or...but they are all just excuses!

I enjoyed the first year (probably because I forgot all about the pain).

小小 is very smart (yeah aren't them all?) and loves imitate things we do now.

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