There's no pictures to show.
No clips to play.
No pretty way of saying it.
It was a very ugly morning.

When Noelle was young, she used to poop and get them all over herself.
It's not been like that for months!

She's been having diarrhea problem due to her teething.
(we think anyway...)
Every morning for the past week or so,
we'd walk into her room in the morning
with the strong smell of poo in the room
meaning she's pooped either during the night
or first thing when she wakes up.

This morning, same thing.
When I open up her PJ's, sure enough...

All over her legs..
and she started to scratch them because it's itchy...
And then she rugs her face/eyes...

Did I mention it was ugly?

So I rushed her to the sink and use water to clean her.
I asked her to sit in the sink thinking water can then "penetrate" better.
It was so slippery, she slided to the side and hit her head on the side of the sink.
Noelle wailed right away wanting to get out of the sink and into my arms.
(while I was touched by the action, I was disgusted by the poop!!! Yuck.. get away!!!)

By that time both dada and I were late for work a bit already.
(bosses..if you're reading I still made it on time...)

Anyway...didn't think this is something that ANYONE would want to read.
But Noelle, when you turn 18 and starts dating, I'm sharing this with your boyfriend!!!



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