Happiness to Noelle,
a 15 month-old kid....
Happiness is,
waking up calling "Mamamamamamamamamamamama...."
and sees mama come running.
It is,
opening up her arms and say, "Bobobo...抱抱抱抱..."
and gets picked up.
It is,
getting a smile back,
lots of smooches,
and a big hug,
simply by smiling first.
It is,
patting the chair and instructs "sit"
pointing the orange and instructs "eat"
signing the sign of "books"
yelling "nai nai nai nai 奶奶奶奶奶奶奶奶"
and being understood.
It is,
having mama's shouder to cry on,
doing airplane on mama's legs,
coming up and down, and up and down (and then some) the stairs with dada,
running to dada when mama yells,
opening doors to see auntie coming home,
lying on the driveway (!) with grandma,
or sleeping on grandpa's shoulder, even if it's just once a year.
It is,
sitting on top of dada's shoulders,
looking back,
and sees mama carrying her diaper bag,
walking and talking to her.
It is,
seeing mama on her right,
and turns to see dada on her left.
- Mar 05 Sun 2006 10:00
Noelle's Happiness