Going to sushi at Mikuni isn't anything worth recording,
but going to sushi with Pauline sure is.
Pauline, my friend (and boss) Michelle's mum, is one of the most generous and genuine people I know.
She stays in the U.K. most of the time, except for when she comes out to the U.S. to visit Michelle.
Pauline and Michelle
Ever since Noelle was born, she has been religiously sending packages of gifts to Noelle.
Clothes, keepsakes, books,
and when she makes it out here in person,
She’d bring more of those with her and gifts for everyone in the department where Michelle works.
Shomeek and Mala
Michelle and Joss
Matt and CJ
Vickie and Bill
Last night the whole department (all women with our significant others) went out to Mikuni for some sushi with Pauline.
It was her first time in a long time experiencing it, and certainly first time in the U.S .
We enjoyed really great food where I discovered a few more rolls of my liking,
and everyone got a round of hugs and gifts.
Even hubby and I got gifts from her.
This is the cross I’d pick for myself! Thanks so much Pauline!
I in term gave her a piece of jade my mom had left me. and am just so thankful to have someone like Pauline (ok I guess Michelle too…haha...) in our lives.
I enjoy the people I work with,
On a side noth, Noelle got really really crazy by the end of the night,
which was about 2 hours past her normal bedtime.
She screamed and squeaked with joy (and overtireness) for the last hour
and when she wasn't running (barefoot again) like a headless chick,
she was climbing in my arms and sticking her fingers in my mouth...
Cranky Noelle, Auntie Mala and sleepy mom....
Noelle, Joy and Pauline!
I want to document this so that Noelle will grow up
and know just how much she is loved,
by her family, and friends across the world.
Thanks! Pauline!