Noelle still enjoys going to the playgrounds. After getting the little tricycle for her, One of Noelle’s favorite cartoons to watch now is Little People from Fisher-Price. Noelle still doesn’t like vegetable—she especially hates tomatoes. She likes to look at books, but not really reading them. I feel that she’s really ready for formal potty training As of right now, I’m starting to look for good preschools for Noelle.
Due to the fact that some of my English readers have complained that
I rarely write anything in English nowadays,
I thought I’d just do a little update on Noelle’s in English. (Happy now, Uncle Tommy?)
She would point out all the schools/parks with any playing structure and say,
“gool….Paak…gool…Paak…….” until we say we’ll take her there later on.
One of the best reaction to see on her would be if we say,
“Do you want to go ‘wee-ya’”?
Noelle would know that we’re taking her to the park with a swing
and would give out this great big smile and kept saying “wee-ya”
all the way till she gets there.
riding it has become one of her favorite things to do as well.
It’s been raining and wet these days so we really couldn’t go much of anywhere with that.
However, her dad has been pushing her in the tricycle
around the block every night when we get home
just so she’d shut up about wanting to sit on it,
”Doo doo…doo doo…doo doo…” like a broken record!
(Doo doo in Cantonese/Toisan language means sit sit.)
That’s normally how we get her to come off the swing in the playground or off the tricycle.
She has 2 of the DVD’s from her Little People play set, and because she enjoys them so much,
I bought her 2 more DVD’s from the website.
The good thing about these DVD’s is that the stories are about 5 minutes each
and you can break after one story.
The whole DVD is about 30 minute long so it’s easier for me to turn it off
without her kicking and screaming.
A lot of times Noelle would go home and right away she’ll ask for,
“People people…aicle(Michael)…people people…)
(Going clock-wise) The front person is Eddie, then it's Michael, Maggie, Sara, and Sonya Lee..
She enjoys drinking water-down prune juice and her favorite fruit is blueberries.
She eats tofu-chicken rice just about everyday, and drinks just about 5oz of rice milk daily.
No matter how silly I act or how animated I sound,
she’s not interested in listening to what I have to say about the story.
She just enjoys looking at the pictures.
Sometimes she’ll point to the words
and tries to come up with some sounds as if she’s reading, “A..B..C…f…g…”
but when I tried to read it to her, she doesn’t have the patience to hear me out.
I fear that she has watched too much TV for her to really develop an interest in books
but I have tried and tried and there’s just so much I can do while away.
I trust that God has a perfect plan for her, even when things don’t look their brightest.
because when I put her on the toilet,
she knows what she’s suppose to do and normally does it within a minute a two.
She has yet to master the art of “asking” to go because
I think she’s not given the chance while in grandma’s house
as they are not actively asking/taking her.
I’m sure she’ll get there—I’ve yet to see anyone with diaper on when they’re 12!
I plan to enroll her into one next fall
and I heard a good one with reasonable price is hard to come by.
She goes to church nursery without putting up a fuss
and I trust that she’ll do fine going to a preschool soon too.
I’m actively teaching her to say “Lao yeh (老爺), Lao lao (姥姥)”
and she normally fill in the rest by saying “Yee yee (姨姨)”.
She knows, or at least I hope she does, that she’s going to see these people in the very near future.
I know she’ll have a blast (I know I will!) when she sees them!!
Noelle and two aunties back in Taiwan last year!
- Dec 16 Sat 2006 00:53
About Noelle