
Some of you might have noticed

That I have a link on my menu bar named “Conor

What seems to be just a common blog name

Really hides one of the most amazing stories I know.

Conor was my coworker,

Though we didn’t spend much off-work time together,

Our team all knew him as the guy who has a gorgeous wife.

They had been hoping to start a family

But it was a couple of challenging years to say the least for them.

Just when they were about to give up the hope

Of having a kid of their own,

They found out that they were finally expecting….



It was an amazing journey

And Conor and his wife, Gen, have been amazing parents

(not to mention that Conor has been hilarious to read on the blog….)

I have put the quads in my prayer books ever since I learned about them,

And 3 months after the Quads were born,

I finally met up with some others to visit them.

Due to the fact that we had 5 adults and 5 kids,

And that one big one was constantly hoping to do some real damage

(stepping on the oxygen tubes, turning off the monitor, sit on the napping Russ…)

None of us really had the time to take many pictures.

I stole this from Conor's blog. So sue me!

Michelle with two of the girls...yikes I still can't tell them apart! (Molly and Ally?)

Linh with Libby? And the big scary one is Noelle...

Michelle, girls, and Conor.

Yes I know we're missing one, but the Alpha male was hogging attention from mom,
like always! Sorry Conor, you'll have to take the backseat for a while!

Everytime I think about how hard it is to deal with my little monster,
I'm reminded by Conor and his family how they are really a blessing in our lives.
Russ is still on the oxygen and occasionally visits the ER 
to excercise mom and dad's heart capacity.

You all are in my prayers still. Hang in there...I see great work from God (times four!)

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