Just came back from visiting the Mormon Temple of Sacramento.
I know I know...how could I, right?
Well I really believe in knowing the truth
involves one to really know everything
related or against it.
If I don't know what's it like,
I can not defend what I believe in.
All I have to say about the experience was that
I almost lost my eye balls in there!
Why? Because I was rolling them backwards so much!!! Oi!!
Now of course I've yet to know all about this "temple"
and what they believe in
but from what I can gathered, is that:
1. Temples are not open to the public.
2. Open Houses such as this one I attended are open because the Temple has yet to be dedicated.
3. Those who ARE allowed need to be members who pass the "interview" with his/her bishop.
4. When people go into the temple, they have to change their clothes to all white.
4. They have this thing call, "Baptismal Font" where they can baptize their ancestors. This thing is rest on the backs of 12 oxens.
5. Celestial room is where they "feel the presence of God". VERY PRETTY. Some feel it resembles more like Ritz Carlton though...
6. Sealing room is where they marry couples and "seals" family members together, including children.
7. Ordinance room has great murals on the wall and is where they "receive" scriptures.
A lot of the things they talk about do come from the Bible,
but more often than not,
they'd talk about Prophet Joseph Smith or
Angel Moroni or
The Book of Mormon,
and I couldn't help but made sure my mouth was shut and
I turn my back when I rolled my eyes....
They said to us,
"if you feel the spirit move you,
stop and listen."
Well....I felt a very disgusted spirit within me,
but I don't think they'd appreciate me saying that.
These Mormons look very nice,
as how we often perceive them.
The tour was very organized and
"user friendly" if you will.
The temple itself was phenomenal
and at times I could see why one would feel like
he/she is away from the world and in the presence of God.
It is just unfortunate that they stray from the real truth
and choose to believe that you have to do things
to please our God.
They look at what you do,
how you dress (we were required to dress "appropriately")
if you tithe, and whether or not you "pass the test"
which TOTALLY defeats the purpose of our Jesus' coming.
This was an eye-opener for me,
and solidify my faith in Bible itself.
One can not say they believe in Bible,
and say they believe in something that contridict it!
Note: if you're Mormon and don't agree with me,
this is NOT the place to argue with me.
I'm entitled to my own opinion,
and for this is my space,
I'd appreciate you talk to me in private
if you wish to discuss your belief with me.
Photos I took outside the Temple since it's not allowed inside.
If you're around Sacramento,
and are curious about it,
this "open house" of theirs run until end of this month!