


joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

This past Saturday I went to Davis for some musical enrichment in Oklahoma!  
Rodgers & Hammerstein's
^ This is the Hugh Jackman version of course, we went and watched the Davis version haha..

Though my sister Jean thought it was the worst she's seen done by DMTC, I thought the songs were spectacular!
The music, which you can preview "Oklahoma!" by pressing my music, was fantastic,

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Yes yes I know...it's a bit early.
But Noelle's grandma is ready and has been showing her
the wonders (ick...) of toilet sitting.

I remember the first time I tried putting Noelle on the toilet,
she was terrified.

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The big tummy contest I have with
小小乖媽 and Allison 媽 with the new and upcomer Bo  


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媽媽好 - 張德蘭

世上只有媽媽好 有媽的孩子像個寶 
投進媽媽的懷抱 幸福享不了 
沒有媽媽最苦惱 沒媽的孩子像根草 
離開媽媽的懷抱 幸福哪裡找 
*世上只有媽媽好 有媽的孩子不知道 

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So I tried to take the pacifier away from Noelle this past Saturday.
Along with that, I tried to switch her to drinking milk from cups exclusively.
Maybe I was aiming too high.

I tried to "prep" her by telling her that her 嘴嘴 (paci) is now gone.
And asked her to say goodbye.

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It’s official! Noelle visited the public library for the first time today!

I had set myself out to find her some touch and feel books because she really likes those at home. 
However, I found that the books at the library are more for reading (duh!) instead of just pictures with minimal words.

Noelle was really not into sitting down or finding herself a book.

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So that I don't feel just like a mother at all times.

My sister Jean and I went to the Robert Mondovi Center 
in her school last night and
enjoyed a night with really fantastic music program

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