I was driving to pick Noelle up yesterday
and the routine is, if Noelle's grandma, my husband's mother is home
at that time with her, they'd be outside of the house waiting already.

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My father picked a song to be the theme song for
each of his four daughters.

Mine was, o wait, take a guess....
"Joy to the world".

joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

I found myself smiling
out of the blue
for no particular reason.

I found myself thinking about you
without realizing it.

joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Can you spot something different of Noelle in that picture?

Well, when I went over to my inlaw's house, there were a couples of scary images:
First there was the spreading of DIAPER CREAM all over Noelle's legs.
Dear old grandma can't tell what cream is for what so basically

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^ this picture is for Rita...bet you like that.

Anyway, so I took Noelle out to the neighborhood park
for the first time today.
We've always enjoyed walking around our neighborhood

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Most babies I know loves being upside down.

Noelle is just one of them.
Today her dada did the trick and she fell in love with it.
So Dada does it for about half an hour hahha...

joy4love 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

Thanks Judy for sharing this with me.

Most principles apply to all mother, even if you're not a Christian.

However, I have to say that the Bible teaches parents just about EVERYTHING.

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This I stole from my former co-worker who's having QUADS!

Not that I would EVER want to go through that
but this is the funniest clip I've seen for a loooooooooooooong time!

Thought I'd share it with you all!

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Noelle saw the little bath tub on the floor the other day,
and wanted to re-live her childhood (?!)

She climbed inside the little tub and basically stayed there for a long time.

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So one of the most exciting things I learned last year was that my closest cousin, Esther, is having a baby.
However, my excitement soon turned to (semi-)bitterness
when she and her hubby wouldn't reveal the gender of the baby.
I think her sister, Edith, is more mad at her than I am though, understandably.

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