目前分類:Noelle's Life/小小快長大 (157)

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Isn't she cute?

Well, I wanted to record the fall that she had too.
No big deal...just tumbled onto something real hard was all
Her father wasn't too pleased with his mother hahaha...

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We just talked about how Noelle sleeps at 7
and our family doesn't have much of a night life.

However, once is a while
we do find time to go Costco.

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Happiness to Noelle,
a 15 month-old kid....

Happiness is,
waking up calling "Mamamamamamamamamamamama...."
and sees mama come running.

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I was driving to pick Noelle up yesterday
and the routine is, if Noelle's grandma, my husband's mother is home
at that time with her, they'd be outside of the house waiting already.

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My father picked a song to be the theme song for
each of his four daughters.

Mine was, o wait, take a guess....
"Joy to the world".

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Can you spot something different of Noelle in that picture?

Well, when I went over to my inlaw's house, there were a couples of scary images:
First there was the spreading of DIAPER CREAM all over Noelle's legs.
Dear old grandma can't tell what cream is for what so basically

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This is a pummelo peel on top of Noelle's hat.

Those of you who's shocked at this, I'm sorry.
Those from Taiwan/China might feel quite at home with it though.

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Now what is that thing Noelle has in her mouth?
Looks yummy, no?

Well, it was the cone that was set on the football field where we went for a flagfoot ball event.
This is the other website that I visit daily and made lots of friends from.

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It would be so much cuter...

If it were for those stupid bangs......

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Every Friday I'd take Noelle to fellowship at Margaret and Song's house.
Margaret's daughter, Christine, is my dearest God daughter.
And her son, Luke, is Noelle's playmate.

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Mommy & Noelle.

One of my favorite time is definitely when we give Noelle a bath.
She has ezema so doctor asked us to
not bath her frequently.

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Yesterday was Lord's day and we all went to church.
My best friends, Margaret and Judy were both at the nursery
where our kids all play together.

Faith (Judy's little angel)and Noelle.

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Chinese New Year is coming up at the end of this month!

Doesn't Noelle look like a, Bao (包子)?

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There's no pictures to show.
No clips to play.
No pretty way of saying it.
It was a very ugly morning.

When Noelle was young, she used to poop and get them all over herself.

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After careful consideration,
and some arguement with Noelle's dada,
we finally use the scissors last night!

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We read everyday.

Mommy/Daddy's job is to read the books to Noelle.
Noelle's job is to either help flip the page.

Or rip them.

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In the midst of the heaviest rain and wind of the new year 2006,
We turned Noelle's car seat around.

It's really not new to her
since my mother in law already did it for a long time
(yes I asked her to keep the car seat

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Shopping mall ride.

A fun trip at the end of the year 2005...

Noelle enjoyed it!

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Mommy needs to pick up aunt Jean tonight at the SFO airport.
Therefore, she asked me to write daddy an email.
So that he know, how EXACTLY my night will go.
Here goes:

Hi Daddy,

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